Our congregation has a long and proud history dating back to its
origin in 1757 when a group of Lutheran and Reformed German
settlers combined their efforts and formed a “union” church. The
church property was originally donated in the year 1774 by
Victorious Spies, a German settler, for the purpose of teaching the Christian faith in the doctrines of the Lutheran and Calvinistic or German Reformed Church and whose name continues to connect with our church today.
Our church buildings have been several:
Original Log Church Built before 1774 and was on the property when the property was officially donated.
Stone Union Church Built in 1810 and became too small with an aging structure.
Brick Union Church Built in 1887 and destroyed by fire in 1912.
Brick Union Church Built in 1912 and destroyed by fire in 1945.
(1934 the Reformed Church united with the Evangelical Synod to become known as “Evangelical and Reformed”. 1947 the Lutheran and Reformed congregations dissolved their “union” relationship to build separate churches.)
Present Brick Church Built in 1947.
(1957 the “Evangelical and Reformed Church” united with the Congregational Christian Churches and became known as “The United Church of Christ”. In recent years, the Zion’s (Spies) congregation voted to distance themselves from the U.C.C. and reverted to their more traditional roots of the “Evangelical Reformed Church”.
We affirm the “Apostles Creed” as our statement of faith. We believe that the church is “mission” and the mission of the church is to serve and proclaim the Word of God through the Holy Scriptures ( The Holy Bible); to serve and support each other; to serve and support our place of worship; and to reach out to serve our community and all mankind as God calls us.
We invite all people to our regular services of worship; to participate in our Christian Education program for all ages; and to share in our various ministries as we strive to learn and grow together in our Christian commitment, faith and service.
If you are interested in uniting with our congregation or just knowing more about us, please feel free to contact the pastor or any member of our Church Consistory.
For the complete History Contact the Church Office @ 610.779.9787